Top Monsters to Get from the New Default 4-Star/3-Star Summoners War Event

Summoners War: Sky Arena, the popular turn-based RPG loved by millions worldwide has just announced the return of a very special event called “Summon Special! Default 4-Star Monster Summon and Skill Level-Up Event”. This is a very special event and is coming to the game for the 3rd time where players can farm and grind for points which are further used for summoning Natural 4-Star monsters of Fire/Water/Wind elements as well as Natural 3-Star monsters of Light/Dark elements. Players can also further use their points to skill up the chosen monster.
The event starts on July 11th and ends on August 22nd after server reset. Apart from summoning these monsters and skilling them up, players can also awaken/evolve these monsters to their awakened forms/5-Star (if default 4-Star) and 6-Star further, respectively. Let’s take a look at some of the top choices for the upcoming event. For the simplicity of the list, we will divide our list into top 4-Stars monsters and 3-Star monsters you can choose from for the upcoming event.
Top Natural 4-Star Monsters
In this section, we will be covering all the potentially best 4-Star monsters available to choose from this event. We will cover their aspects and their strong points. Keep in mind that only monsters from the Fire/Water/Wind elemental attributes will be shown as we are keeping it limited to only monsters available to summon from the event. Also, keep in mind that a single roll/summon costs 500 points in the event and the total limit per day for collecting points is 1000. So, choose carefully who you want to summon, and we in no way force you to choose from this list only. Let’s begin with the list, summoners!
- Lushen (Wind Joker) – Lushen is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Wind Joker. He is a staple unit for any cleave AOE team and can also help to be your campaign farmer for EXP gains. He has 2 AOE skills with his 3rd skill Amputation Magic also ignores enemies’ defense so he is extremely useful in PvP aspects as well. He is also frequently used in multiple types of dungeon speed teams with him being there to clear out the initial waves fast due to his 2 AOE skills. He is also used frequently in RTA and can be used in the tower of ascension for speed clears. Overall, he is a top-tier 4-Star monster whose kit can even compete with the likes of many 5-Star heroes. Pick him if you lack an AOE DPS or staple farmer.
- Galleon (Water Pirate) – Galleon is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Water Pirate. He is mainly used for speed clearing in dungeons by setting up all your DPS heroes. He does so by reducing the defense of all enemies and increasing the attack power of all allies using his 3rd skill Time to Loot. He can also be used as an initiator for many cleave teams with an Attack Bar buffer like Bernard. Overall, he is a strong pick if you want to build a speed clear team for dungeons or need an initiator which can lower defense while also increasing attack in arena/RTA.
- Khmun (Fire Anubis) – Khmun is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Fire Anubis. He is mainly used for surviving tough enemies and can be useful as a tank. He can also be used in various content like Labyrinth, Guild Wars, and Guild Siege. He is a staple unit for any bruiser team as his passive Savior is an insane protective ability that gives a Shield equal to 20% of his MAX HP to the hero with the lowest HP currently. He is a good choice to pick if you do not have a supportive tank that can protect allies. Players can build him slow due to his passive.
- Sabrina (Water Boomerang Warrior) – Sabrina is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Water Boomerang Warrior. Sabrina is one of the twins, with the other being Talia the Water Chakram Dancer. They are used together frequently because their passives are linked. Once used together, they both attack simultaneously because of their passive. Sabrina is the core element of many speed runs or normal runs for dungeon farming. Sabrina’s passive states that she receives less damage from enemies with beneficial effects and deals more damage to enemies with beneficial effects. This effect is also shared with the water chakram dance if she is on the team. Overall, pick this hero if you have the other counterpart for her and are lacking the water boomerang warrior as without water chakram dancer, she is not that good but together they are very powerful.
- Talia (Water Chakram Dancer) – Talia is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Water Chakram Dancer. As mentioned with Sabrina, Talia is a great pick to choose from this event for the same reasons but only if you are already having Sabrina and lacking Talia as together, they are very powerful for any team. Talia’s 3rd ability Deadly Dance is a very strong ability that attacks an enemy 2 times and deals more damage to enemies with lower HP. This skill will also deal more damage if Boomerang Warrior is attacking together. This skill can effectively nuke any boss with lower than 50% HP.
- Chasun (Wind Sky Dancer) – Chasun is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Wind Sky Dancer. She is a great healer who can heal units to full HP even if they are surviving on 1 HP with her 3rd ability Fallen Blossoms. She also heals ignoring the unhealable debuff with this skill. Her 2nd skill Amuse heals all allies and also increases their attack power. She is a menace to be dealt with especially on violent runes where she can easily cycle between her turns for crazy amounts of healing. Overall, we would highly recommend choosing her if you do not plan to use the Light Fairy Queen Flan because she can also be extremely good for healing as well as provides the same role as Chasun.
- Skogul (Wind Giant Warrior) – Skogul is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Wind Giant Warrior. He is a straight-up tank with nuke potential. He is frequently used in the arena, RTA, and guild wars due to his ability to nuke squishy heroes with his 2nd ability Atlas Stone. The ability states that he swings the stone up in the air for 1 turn after which it slams all enemies and deals damage equal to his MAX HP. This attack can’t be counterattacked. He is a great unit for any tank cleave team or against squishy heroes. Build him super tanky with resistance and with healer/support units in the team for an easy time cleaving.
- Orion (Water Brownie Magician) – Orion is the awakened form of the natural 4-Star monster Water Brownie Magician. He is a unique unit with abilities that can strip buffs and inflict multiple debuffs on a short cooldown ability Harmless Prank. His ability to skill cycle is also insane with his inbuilt RNG on skill 1 to get another turn. Paired with Violent runes, this RNG comes more in your favor. He is a useful unit to use in Guild Wars and Arena. Just build him fast and with high accuracy so his debuffs don’t get resisted.
Top Natural 3-Star Monsters to get from the Event
- Miho (Dark Martial Cat) – Miho is the secondary awakened form of the natural 3-Star monster Dark Martial Cat. She is a beast in any form of PvP content and being just a 3-Star monster is relatively easy to get. After her secondary awakening, her passive Eye For An Eye states that she will counterattack whenever she gets hit by a critical hit and stuns the target for 1 turn as well. This passive also increases her attack bar by 30% every time she is hit by a critical hit. This makes her a valuable asset in any team and she can easily even solo teams which are formed of DPS. The only counter to her is the means to one-shot her or using Tesarion to block her passive. Players can choose this hero from the event for the natural 3-Star if they do not have it.
- Kro (Dark Inugami) – Kro is the secondary awakened form of the natural 3-Star monster Dark Inugami. Kro is a crazy one shotter with the potential to do the highest damage to bosses. He is a must-pick if you do not own him as he can make progress in dungeons very easily. He does this with his 3rd ability Scar. The ability is a single target DPS skill that increases the damage by an additional 50% per debuff on the target.
- Thrain (Dark Grim Reaper) – Thrain is the secondary awakened form of the natural 3-Star monster Dark Grim Reaper. Thrain, after his secondary awakening recently, is a top-tier AOE stunner and continuous damager. His 3rd skill Doomsday states that he performs an AOE attack with a 100% chance to Stun for 1 turn and recovers his Attack bar by 20% per stack of continuous damage. His 2nd skill Plague inflicts 2 stacks of continuous damage for 2 turns and gains another turn instantly. He is a top-tier pick for PvE content like ToA and ToA Hard/Hell Mode.
- Basalt (Dark Battle Mammoth) – Basalt is the awakened form of the natural 3-Star monster Dark Battle Mammoth. Basalt is a menace to be dealt with in many PvE and PvP areas. He is a tank/utility type champion with skills to support his team as well as being a great dark type tanker. His 3rd ability Hell Stomp inflicts damage proportional to his Defense to all enemies and decreases their Attack Bar by 35% each as well. This skill is a hard-hitting one.
- Eshir (Light Werewolf) – Eshir is the secondary awakened form of the natural 3-Star monster Light Werewolf. Eshir is a one-shot type hero and he can do so by remaining very tanky also. He is the perfect definition of a bruiser. His 3rd ability Massacre states “violently attacks the enemy 4 times to inflict damage proportionate to my MAX HP and removes a beneficial effect with each attack. If you successfully remove a beneficial effect, the damage inflicted by the remaining attacks will be increased by 20%, and the cooldown time will reset if the enemy dies.” He has the potential to solo many teams if set up properly.
- Jultan (Dark Werewolf) – Jultan is the secondary awakened form of the natural 3-Star monster Dark Werewolf. Jultan is a tank sustain with a unique mechanic of reflecting damage in-built. His passive Disdain states “Inflicts 12% of his MAX HP as damage when you’re attacked with a critical hit. Inflicts Continuous Damage for 1 turn with a 50% chance and weakens the Defense for 1 turn with every attack.” Jultan can be built extremely tanky with resistance so he cannot get stunned. He also can be a very good pick against light-heavy teams. He is mostly used for PvP content like Guild Wars and Arena. Drafting him In RTA can be risky as he has many counters.
That is it for all our recommendations to choose from in the upcoming event of Summoners War: Sky Arena by Com2US. We recommend all players research what they lack and pick the hero they desire the most or the hero which can fill the gap in their team compositions. To get a better understanding of the event, feel free to check out the official Event Notes. We recommend playing Summoners War on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse for the best experience.